Annual Maluma Symposium

Although this symposium was initially held solely as an information session to farmers, it has developed into a cross-platform information and networking symposium.

The main aim is to stimulate thought into what the modern agriculture environment brings about and, what farmers and other intermediaries can do to improve on the final product delivered to the consumer.

What to expect

Allesbeste symposium 2023 will be held on 16 & 17 August. Make sure you don't miss it!

The Maluma symposium is open for all avocado farmers - please sign up for the newsletter to receive your invitation and more information about the symposium. Invitations will be sent out around May 2023, and the provisional program will be release around June 2023.

Day 1 (16 August 2023) will consist of discussions on various relevant topics (presentations) and workshops in the form of open discussions from a panel as well as attendees.

On day 2 (17 August 2023) we will head into the orchards and discuss different orchard practices and production techniques.


13 & 14 March 2019 - 9th annual Maluma symposium

The day was a big success and was attended by a record-breaking number of 471 delegates. Thank you for everyone's contribution to making this day what it was. The Maluma symposium continually grows in guests as well as making it possible for guests that could not attend the Maluma symposium. Maluma symposium 2019 was once again live streamed on YouTube, and the recordings of the two days are available on YouTube to view afterwards as well.

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7 March 2018 - 8th annual Maluma symposium

Thank you for everyone's contribution to making this day what it was. The Maluma symposium continually grows in guests as well as making it possible for guests that could not attend the Maluma symposium. Maluma symposium 2018 was live streamed on YouTube, and the recordings of the two days are available on YouTube to view afterwards as well.

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8 - 9 March 2017

This year's Maluma day took an exciting turn with an auction of Maluma avo trees, with the proceeds donated to charities. Two batches of 250 trees were auctioned off at an astonishing R 1120.00 per tree (whereas the normal Maluma tree price at that time was R 94.00).

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9 - 10 March 2016

The day was a big success and it continues to grow - even through sleep-in weather. Thank you for everyone's contribution to making this day what it was.

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19 February 2015

We would like to thank everyone that attended and was otherwise involved in the 2015 Maluma Day on 19 February 2015 at Merensky High School in Tzaneen. We are delighted to announce that this year's Maluma Day managed to build even further on the previous one.

Success rates:

198 confirmations with 181 attendees versus 104 attendees from the previous year. (74% increase in attendance from last year)
27 sponsors versus 13 from the previous year. (107% increase in sponsor involvement from last year)

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The Maluma Blog provides the viewer with Maluma views, opinions, statistics, research, knowledge. Further more, this blog focuses on providing information about the Maluma cultivar.

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